Brain Facts

I shared some information about the brain to a friend who in in BWS (Benzo Withdrawal Syndrome) and she asked me to share it here with all of you. This is what I told her: Put your hand in the air, palm flat, fingers pointing up.  Fold your thumb across your palm then...
Your perfect day

Your perfect day

One of the hardest things in benzo withdrawal is the negative thinking we are prone to. “I’ll never heal!” “This symptom is so scary I can’t cope with it!” “I dread tomorrow, knowing I will be sick again.” You know the...
The fist and the brain

The fist and the brain

As promised in an earlier post, I’ll explain how a fist correlates to the brain science that will help you understand your behavior in withdrawal a bit better. Please raise your hand as the picture shows. Fold your thumb across your palm. Next fold your fingers...
The Big Brain Question

The Big Brain Question

Those of us working in the Interpersonal Neurobiology field know that everyone’s brain is hardwired to ask the “Big Brain Question.” That question is simply, “Are you there for me?” We don’t ask the question in the traditional...