Finding Your Forward Gear

Finding Your Forward Gear

For a long time, I didn’t have a forward gear. I was stuck living out the past, over and over, in my thoughts and feelings. I was hardly aware of the present moment because it was tinged with everything negative from my past. That’s how I ended up walking...
What I’ve Learned So Far

What I’ve Learned So Far

There have been a few times on this trip that I’ve muttered under my breath, “What the hell was I thinking?” The driving was too hard. My neck and back hurt. I got lost. I was devastatingly lonely. Whatever the reason, I had to battle feeling sorry...
Counting Down To Monday!

Counting Down To Monday!

I’m so excited! Monday is just a few short days away. I hit the open road to travel across this amazing country of ours to meet people in benzo withdrawal. I’ll make my way back to our family farm in Georgia where I’ll stay for a month so that I can...